Episode 4

May 05, 2023


EPISODE #4: The founding team blueprint: insights on hiring, networking, and AI from Dover's CEO, Max Kolysh

EPISODE #4: The founding team blueprint: insights on hiring, networking, and AI from Dover's CEO, Max Kolysh
How We Built Our Team
EPISODE #4: The founding team blueprint: insights on hiring, networking, and AI from Dover's CEO, Max Kolysh

May 05 2023 | 00:43:17


Show Notes

Description: In this episode, we speak with Max Kolysh, the CEO of Dover, about the importance of building a strong founding team. Max shares his insights on how to hire your founding engineer, pitfalls to avoid when hiring executives, and the future of AI in recruiting. This conversation covers a lot of ground and provides valuable advice for anyone looking to scale their early team.

Key Takeaways:

  • Building a strong network is crucial when hiring for your founding team. Max shares his tips for building a network of trusted advisors and mentors.

  • Hiring executives can be tricky, and Max provides insights on common pitfalls to avoid when bringing on new leaders.

  • When hiring your founding engineer, it's important to look for someone who shares your vision and is willing to take ownership of the product.

  • AI is already making waves in the recruiting space, and Max shares his thoughts on how it will continue to shape the hiring process in the future.

  • Scaling your early team can be a challenge, but by following the strategies and advice shared in this episode, you can build a strong foundation for your company's success.

If you're an entrepreneur or business owner looking to build a successful founding team, this episode is a must-listen.

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